Essence Lists ‘Nine Black Doulas and Midwives to Follow’

Rachel Tahani Lawler - photo from their Instagram, @crimson_fig

Rachel Tahani Lawler - photo from their Instagram, @crimson_fig

It’s mid-April and US birth workers are just wrapping up another fantastic, informative, Black Maternal Health Week. Head over to the Essence website for an excellent list of nine black doulas and midwives to follow - whether or not you are currently expecting or growing your family. The Essence team has included bios, photos, and links for all the important social media; if you’re interested in reproductive health and justice, and improving outcomes for black mothers and families, we hope you’ll click over and check it out! The goal with this guide to help, “Learn about your options and the work that's being done by these ladies to make the birthing process safer for black women.”

Here’s the link:

9 Black Doulas And Midwives To Follow Now — Whether You're Expecting Or Not


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